Naturalistae No.10 (2006.02) (ISSN 1349−7731) 北海道の亜寒帯・亜高山帯域における湿原表層部の花粉分析 −花粉スペクトルから森林域と非森林域との区別は可能か?− (1.65MB) 守田益宗・関口千穂・那須浩郎・百原 新 Yoshimune MORITA, Chiho SEKIGUCHI, Hiroo NASU and Arata MOMOHARA: Pollen analytical studies on moss-polsters from mires in the subarctic and subalpine environment of Hokkaido, Japan - Is it possible to demarcate woodlands and meadows based on the pollen spectra? - 岡山県総合グランドにおける樹幹着生蘚苔類の生育と方位との関係 (1.55MB) 高橋和成・西平直美・原雄太郎・山田千絵・鈴木芳枝 Kazunari TAKAHASHI, Naomi NISHIHIRA, Yuhtaro HARA, Chie YAMADA, and Yoshie SUZUKI: Growth differences of tree-trunk epiphytic bryophytes in relation to the trunk surface directions at the Okayama Sports Park, Okayama City. 岡山県吉備中央町におけるホソベリミズゴケ生育地の蘚苔類相 (684KB) 西村直樹・大竹邦暁・大竹園子・川合啓二・清末幸久・地職 恵・難波靖司・平井佐津紀 Naoki NISHIMURA, Kuniaki OTAKE, Sonoko OTAKE, Keiji KAWAI, Yukihisa KIYOSUE, Megumi CHISHIKI, Yasushi NAMBA and Satsuki HIRAI: Bryophytes around a habitat of Sphagnum junghuhnianum ssp. pseudomolle in Kibichuo-cho, Okayama Prefecture 岡山県中南部の社叢林植生 -特に岡山県内におけるシイノキ属の生態的特性と分布傾向- (1.55MB) 位田真弓・波田善夫 Mayumi IDA and Yoshio HADA: Study of the phytosociological characteristics and distribution of Castanopsis preserved in temples and shrines in Okayama Prefecture 鯉が窪湿原(岡山県)堆積物の花粉分析学的研究 (1.59MB) 片岡裕子 Hiroko KATAOKA: Pollen Analytical Study of Sediments from Koigakubo moor, Okayama 環境アセスメントにおける新しい調査法の検討 -岡山県におけるホソベリミズゴケ生育地及びその周辺の蘚苔類層を含めた植生- (2.47MB) 難波靖司・西村直樹・波田善夫 Yasushi NAMBA, Naoki NISHIMURA and Yoshio HADA: A new trial for environmental assessment with reference to vegetation comprising bryophyte-layer around of a habitat of Sphagnum junghuhnianum ssp. pseudomolle in Okayama Prefecture 八ヶ岳蘚類予備目録 (717.9KB) 木口博史・立石幸敏・西村直樹 Hiroshi KIGUCHI, Yukitoshi TATEISHI, and Naoki NISHIMURA: A preliminary list of mosses of Mts. Yatsugatake, central Japan ![]() |