Naturalistae No.14 i2009.11.20j iISSN ‚P‚R‚S‚X|‚V‚V‚R‚Pj —¢ŽR‚ÆZ’ë‚ÌŽ÷–Ø—Ž—t‚̃AƒŒƒƒpƒV[ (1.44MB) ²“¡‘å’nE‚‹´˜a¬ Daichi SATO and Kazunari TAKAHASHI: Allelopathy of country-side and school campus tree species via their fallen leaves ‹kŽ›(“Þ—ÇŒ§–¾“ú‘º)‚Ìåd‘Û—Þ (2.31MB) Œl _“ñE¼‘º’¼Ž÷ Kouji UNE and Naoki NISHIMURA: Bryophytes found in the Tachibanadera-Temple (Asuka-mura, Nara-ken) ƒXƒ`ƒ‹ƒxƒ“‰»‡•¨‚̈٫‰»‚ƃCƒ^ƒhƒŠ(Polygonum cuspidatum)‚ÉŠÜ‚Ü‚ê‚éƒXƒ`ƒ‹ƒxƒ“ (1.24MB) ‰ª“c••FE¬¼—S—‰ÔEÎŒ´_“ñE‰v‰ª“T–F Takehiko OKADA, Yurika KONISHI, Kohji ISHIHARA and Noriyoshi MASUOKA: cis-trans Isomerization of stilbene compounds and their content in Polygonum cuspidatum (Polygonaceae) ‰ªŽRŽs‚É‚¨‚¯‚é‚ë‰ßŽ®ÌŽæ–@‚É‚æ‚é~…‚ÌŠÏ‘ªII@-2006”N‚XŒŽ`2008”N‚WŒŽ- (1.58MB) “n粌bŽOEŽR‰º‰hŽŸE¼”ö‘¾˜YE³–Ø’q”ü Keizo WATANABE, Eiji YAMASHITA, Taro MATSUO and Tomomi MASAKI: Measurement of the precipitation by the filtration type sampling method in Okayama City II - From September, 2006 to August, 2008 - Žl‘‚SŒ§‚Ìåd—Þƒ`ƒFƒbƒNƒŠƒXƒg(—\•ñ) (1.11MB) ¬“‡—T”üE¼‘º’¼Ž÷ Hiromi KOJIMA and Naoki NISHIMURA: A preliminary checklist of mosses known from the four prefectures of Shikoku, Japan ‰–‘ê(‰ªŽRŒ§^’ëŽs)‚Ìåd—Þ (954.7KB) Lˆä’¼Ž÷E쇌[“ñE—§ÎK•qE“c’†“ÖŽiE¼‘º’¼Ž÷ Naoki HIROI, Keiji KAWAI, Yukitoshi TATEISHI, Atsushi TANAKA and Naoki NISHIMURA: Mosses of the Shiotaki (Maniwa-shi, Okayama Prefecture, western Japan) ¬ìŒk’J(ˆ¤•QŒ§‹S–k’¬)‚Ìåd—Þ (954.7KB) ¬“‡—T”üE쇌[“ñE—§ÎK•qE¼‘º’¼Ž÷ Hiromi KOJIMA, Keiji KAWAI, Yukitoshi TATEISHI and Naoki NISHIMURA: Mosses of the Naru-kawa Gorge, Kihoku Town, Ehime Prefecture ŠŠ°Œk’J(ˆ¤•QŒ§‰F˜a“‡Žs)‚Ìåd—Þ (997.4KB) ¬“‡—T”üE쇌[“ñE—§ÎK•qE¼‘º’¼Ž÷ Hiromi KOJIMA, Keiji KAWAI, Yukitoshi TATEISHI and Naoki NISHIMURA: Moss of the Nametoko Gorge, Uwajima City, Ehime Prefecture ![]() |